Saturday, January 22, 2011


CESA -Creative Expression with Sequential Art is an initiative by gpan educational to encourage children to express themselves with comic book art. The first program CESA PROJECT I took place in the summer 2010. 12 weekends of  storytelling with sequential art.
We are going to display the works in the following order-
1. Heroes gallery-each child is encouraged to adopt an alias, define his super powers and draw himself. The interesting part was when they competed in twos to draw the biggest baddest strongest super guy! Off course some drawings are better than others but all equally interesting. Psychologically, the children create a representation of himself and that makes everyone who tries a winner. Oh-yes i gave them a hint the week before with examples of superheroes-Xmen and Justice League and some of the children had very good memories : )
I have about 120 Heroes so its going to take a while to display everything. Patience Please.